Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Securities & Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy, No. 22-859 (U.S. June 27, 2024), holding that the SEC cannot assess civil penalties for securities fraud through an administrative tribunal. As the court well-understood, the decision has implications for many areas of federal regulatory enforcement, including environmental law. So what does it mean for the environmental practice?

Continue reading the full article, published by The Legal Intelligencer July 12, 2024. Reprinted with permission.

*The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenberg Traurig or its clients.

Photo of David Mandelbaum David Mandelbaum

David G. Mandelbaum represents clients facing problems under the environmental laws and serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Environmental Practice. He regularly represents clients in lawsuits and has also helped clients achieve satisfactory outcomes through regulatory negotiation or private transactions. David teaches Superfund…

David G. Mandelbaum represents clients facing problems under the environmental laws and serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Environmental Practice. He regularly represents clients in lawsuits and has also helped clients achieve satisfactory outcomes through regulatory negotiation or private transactions. David teaches Superfund, and Oil and Gas Law in rotation at the Temple Law School. He teaches the Superfund course at Suffolk (Boston) Law School as well. David is a Fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers.


  • Air, water and waste regulation
  • Superfund and contamination
  • Climate change
  • Oil and gas development
  • Water rights